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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Quadruple premiums urged as one way to help ailing pension plans

Date: Jul-29-2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A rather gloomy report issued last month by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation said substantial premium increases are going to be necessary to help keep the PBGC's...

With Trump and the IBEW, The Donald just doesn't get it 'Why do I have to build union?'

Date: Jul-29-2016

(This is reprinted with permission from the IBEW Media Center in a report titled, Does Trump Build Union? An IBEW investigation). At the height of the real estate boom in...

GOP platform backs national RTW law, hits federal workers

Date: Jul-26-2016

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer CLEVELAND (PAI)—To nobody’s surprise, the Republican Party platform, adopted at its convention in Cleveland this month, backs a national so-called “right to work” law,...

Judge puts brakes on GOP scheme to halt union dues deductions from company payrolls

Date: Jul-14-2016

LANSING – Michigan's unions have won a preliminary injunction blocking the state from enforcing a new payroll deduction law that deals with political fundraising. The federal judge's July 1 ruling...

Texas federal judge halts rule to crackdown on union busters

Date: Jul-14-2016

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer LUBBOCK, Texas (PAI)—Anti-worker, anti-union right wingers and business groups have found a sure-fire way to trash pro-worker federal rules: Find a federal judge in...

'Robust' year so far for U.S. construction

Date: Jul-14-2016

U.S. construction spending dipped in May but posted strong, broad-based gains for the first five months of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015, according to an analysis released...

Reconstructed drawbridge set for more ups and downs

Date: Jul-14-2016

RIVER ROUGE - In 1922, the Jefferson Avenue drawbridge over the Rouge River began a run of 90 years faithful service, raising and lowering its steel leafs to allow the...

News Briefs

Date: Jul-14-2016

New workplace fines to kick in New and larger Labor Department fines will kick in on Aug. 1 for everything from mine safety fraud to job safety violations. The fines,...

Affordable Care Act brings a variety of benefits and drawbacks to health care

Date: Jul-01-2016

By Paul O. Catenacci Law firm of Novara Tesija, P.L.L.C This past March marked year six of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Over the course of those six years, we...

AFL-CIO endorses Clinton for president

Date: Jul-01-2016

WASHINGTON (PAI)—In a predictable decision, the AFL-CIO formally endorsed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for president on June 16. The decision was from the union federation’s General Executive Board,...