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The Building Tradesman Newspaper

Established in 1952, the paper has a circulation of about 45,000 and is one of the oldest labor union publications in the country. It is a broadsheet newspaper containing information about construction, political, safety and feature news of interest to Michigan’s unionized construction workforce.

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If you are looking for a way to reach Michigan’s construction workers via print advertising, The Building Tradesman may be just what you’re looking for. The Building Tradesman is mailed every other week, 26 times per year, to Michigan’s “Hardhats” – building trades workers who earn their living constructing the state’s buildings and roads.

Please call or e-mail Advertising Director Joe Hoshaw if you are interested in placing an ad.
(734) 558-6955

Building Tradesman’s Managing Editor
Marty Mulcahy
(313) 961-3800
FAX (313) 961-2467

Address changes:
If you have an address change for your newspaper, please contact your local union office and they will contact us.

Current Issue:

March 21, 2025

Past Issues:

Click here to read past issues