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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Lofty perspective: new apartments rise above existing parking deck

Date: Oct-07-2016

DETROIT - Building an 80-unit apartment complex on ground level is fairly commonplace. Build that apartment complex atop a ten-level parking structure - now that's a tall order. That's the...

Michigan is No. 1, but that's not really saying too much

Date: Oct-07-2016

Michigan, for one month anyway, got its construction mojo back. Long-term, though, construction employment in our state, and elsewhere, remains middling, although a positive change could be around the corner....

News Briefs

Date: Oct-07-2016

Congress OKs money for Flint WASHINGTON, D.C.  – The U.S. House of Representatives on Sept. 28 by a vote of 399-25, passed H.R. 5303, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA),...

DTE Energy announces $1B+ in new generation

Date: Oct-07-2016

DETROIT - DTE Energy on Sept. 29 announced it will build new energy generation plants to  replace a portion of the capacity from coal-fired plants DTE intends to retire by...

Despite assailants, prevailing wage law to survive 2015-16

Date: Sep-23-2016

LANSING - A lot of bad laws for organized labor have been adopted during the state Legislature's "lame duck" session - the worst of which was the passage of right-to-work...

New Holland, Michigan power plant moves toward completion

Date: Sep-23-2016

HOLLAND - Construction activity heated up this summer at the Holland Energy Park, with more than 300 tradespeople on site working to get the baseload generating plant ready for its...

Better vibe for unions, Gallup poll finds

Date: Sep-23-2016

Americans are feeling a bit better about labor unions. A new Gallup poll shows 52 percent of Americans believe labor unions benefit the broader U.S. economy, while 41 percent believe...

Finally, a raise for U.S. households

Date: Sep-23-2016

One of the major markers of a constrained U.S. economy has been the lack of income advancement for its workers. But that's changing for the better. New data released Sept....

Not registered to vote? It's about time

Date: Sep-23-2016

Not registered to vote? You have some time, but not much, to do so to have your say in the Tuesday, Nov. 8 general election. In Michigan, the last day...

Some employers press workers to vote their way, new report says

Date: Sep-23-2016

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer Employers are transmitting political messages to some one-quarter of all workers at their jobs, a new doctoral study says. And the author’s interviews with...