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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Doors open on new union hall

Date: Apr-28-2000

ANN ARBOR - IBEW Local 252 and Plumbers and Pipe Fitters 190 are open for business in their new 18,000 square-foot home on Jackson Rd. The hall, co-owned by both...

Motown to become Geektown with new Compuware building

Date: Apr-28-2000

"Hordes of computer geeks" as Compuware CEO Peter Karmonos put it, will overrun downtown Detroit in June 2002, when Walbridge-Aldinger and the building trades complete the company's $800 million headquarters...


Date: Apr-28-2000

Painters' Cardwell tapped by International Another Michigan man is going to work for his International Union. B.J. Cardwell, business representative for Painters District Council 22, has been appointed "general organizer"...

Temps threaten trades' pay and safety standards

Date: Apr-28-2000

Do you want to work around an inexperienced temporary worker who operates heavy machinery or who helps puts up your scaffolding? No? Leaders in the 15 unions of the AFL-CIO...

Workplace inspectors, gun safety on House Dems' agenda

Date: Apr-28-2000

By Rep. Mike Hanley House Democratic Leader Following are two amendments in the state House that would make Michigan a safer place to work and live… Workplace safety - Those...

1099 abuse, MIOSHA inspectors on agenda for House Democrats

Date: Apr-14-2000

By State Representative Julie Dennis As you may know, the budgets for the various state departments are starting to work their way through the Michigan Legislature. As the ranking Democrat...

A tribute to promoted trades reps

Date: Apr-14-2000

Maybe it's something in the water. Detroit and Michigan have rarely had the kind of local representation on the state and international union level that exists today. No less than...

A tribute to promoted trades reps

Date: Apr-14-2000

Maybe it's something in the water. Detroit and Michigan have rarely had the kind of local representation on the state and international union level that exists today. No less than...

Major Campbell outage will keep plant humming

Date: Apr-14-2000

By Dennis McKee More than 400 skilled tradesworkers teamed up with Consumers Energy's employees recently to tackle the biggest maintenance project in the utility's history. An intensive 70-day effort replaced...


Date: Apr-14-2000

Hunter safety program scheduled The third annual hunter safety program hosted by State Sen. John Cherry, State Rep. Deb Cherry and the Flint Area Building Trades will take place this...