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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Insurance costs expected to rise after Sept. 11

Date: Nov-23-2001

The fallout from the World Trade Center collapse is approaching the construction industry, as higher premium costs in a variety of areas are anticipated in order to help insurers make...

Michigan labor continues push for enhanced jobless benefits

Date: Nov-23-2001

With the nation's unemployment rate jumping a whopping half percentage point to 5.4 percent from September to October, more and more workers are looking to Unemployment Insurance to get them...

New roof truss bridges Ford Field

Date: Nov-23-2001

What was most likely the heaviest construction lift in the history of the State of Michigan - and one of the heaviest ever in the U.S. - took place on...


Date: Nov-23-2001

Airport security to be federalized In the end, good sense overcame political ideology. President Bush announced Nov. 15 he would sign a legislative compromise that will place the U.S. government...

Nuke plants an important source of energy, employment

Date: Nov-23-2001

Michigan's nuclear power industry consists of three plants that supply a combined 14.1 percent of the electricity generated in Michigan. The D.C. Cook, Fermi 2 and Palisades plants are a...

Pipeline had a lot of character - but it leaked like a sieve

Date: Nov-23-2001

ROCKLAND - Wood and water don't mix? Yup, that's pretty much true. Water always wins? No doubt about it. Those two generally accepted engineering principles were clearly illustrated over the...

15-year study confirms deadly grip of falls

Date: Nov-09-2001

A newly released, sweeping report by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) confirms that of all the hazards U.S. construction workers face, falls account for the most...

Effective safety planning effectively saves lives

Date: Nov-09-2001

Most occupational safety experts now say that the best way to reduce occupational hearing loss is to lower noise levels at the source of the noise, through better engineering of...

For some in GOP, union members' political leanings are the greater security risk

Date: Nov-09-2001

Over the last two months, most of the country - and amazingly, the U.S. Congress - have managed to put political ideology aside. Democrats and Republicans have rallied behind President...

News Briefs

Date: Nov-09-2001

Social consequences of injuries probed A free safety program directed at construction safety personnel, stewards and apprentices will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4 at...