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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions


Date: Nov-22-2002

Contractors, union big political donors When it comes to political giving from contractors in the construction industry, who gives what to whom? The Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan, nonprofit...

Plumbers 98's new union hall: 'You should be proud of this building'

Date: Nov-22-2002

Plumbers Local 98 officially opened the doors of its new union hall with an open house on Nov. 4. Local 98 marked the move from its Detroit location to the...

Are you drinking enough water?

Date: Nov-08-2002

Did you know that 75% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated? Did you know that in 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken...

Christmas comes early for Heat's On recipients

Date: Nov-08-2002

At a time when charitable giving is down around the country, volunteers came out in droves to help support the Detroit Heat's On program last month. A collaboration between union...

Compuware HQ readies to load tenants

Date: Nov-08-2002

The first trickle of Compuware employees will begin to inhabit the company's new 15-story Detroit headquarters building next month, signaling the beginning of the end of the construction process for...

Iron workers, operators strengthen ties with completion of training frame

Date: Nov-08-2002

HOWELL - As iron framework goes, the 50-ft. by 75-ft. by 60-ft. high structure at the Operating Engineers Local 324 Training Center is pretty modest compared to the steel on...

Lame duck session threatens workers

Date: Nov-08-2002

LANSING - "Lame-duck" sessions of the legislature - the period after an early-November election but before the new lawmakers come into office in early January - are often unpredictable and...


Date: Nov-08-2002

Michigan to target 1099 cheats? Compared to other lines of work, construction companies are notorious for mis-labeling workers as independent contractors. Doing so allows the contractor to get out of...

Privatize Blue Cross? The idea has supporters - and bears watching

Date: Nov-08-2002

LANSING - With the general election over (results weren't available at press time), state legislators are turning their attention to some pending business in the lame duck legislative session that...

As AG, Peters pledges to take building trades' case

Date: Oct-25-2002

Gary Peters is an attorney, a two-term state senator, a financial advisor, and a U.S. Navy reservist. He has a wide range of experience, and now he wants to put...