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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Defined road work zones strengthen law in Michigan

Date: Dec-26-2003

In Michigan, state lawmakers are answering the question, where does a construction zone begin? That question has never been an issue until earlier this year, when a Macomb Township woman...

'Do no harm?' New Medicare law may be a cure worse than the disease

Date: Dec-26-2003

By U.S. Rep. John Dingell Ranking member, Energy and Commerce Committee When the president signed into law the Medicare bill that barely passed Congress, he performed radical experimental surgery that...

Hand sanitizers and more toilets = a more sanitary jobsite

Date: Dec-26-2003

Editor's note: An article we published last month said that with the worker-friendly Gov. Granholm Administration in place, appointees to the Michigan Construction Standards Commission may be more receptive to...

Industry leaders put construction safety on agenda

Date: Dec-26-2003

LANSING - Michigan's construction workers may not know it, but they have a day dedicated to their safety. The 13th annual Michigan Construction Safety Day will be held Tuesday, Jan....


Date: Dec-26-2003

Book-Cadillac work expected to resume Construction workers are expected to be back in the Book-Cadillac hotel beginning the week of Jan. 5. Hazardous materials abatement work started at the historic...

Republican inaction brings long, cold winter for nation's jobless

Date: Dec-26-2003

WASHINGTON D.C. - For the second year in a row, Congressional Republicans are leaving Washington for the year without extending the federal Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation (TEUC) program, allowing the...

Trades fix fabulous Fox's fascia

Date: Dec-26-2003

The interior of Detroit's Fox Theatre was magnificently renovated in the late 1980s. Now, it's the exterior's turn to shine. BAC Local 1 masons and support crafts from restoration contractor...

Bush gets his way as workers lose overtime benefits

Date: Dec-12-2003

Nothing can stop one of the most obnoxious rules affecting working people in U.S. history. As many as eight million U.S. workers could be affected by the rule, which has...

Bush puts nation over a (pork) barrel

Date: Dec-12-2003

WASHINGTON - Not long ago, Republicans were the self-proclaimed "party of fiscal responsibility." They stood for the elimination of the federal deficits, reduced government spending and lower taxes. They've been...

Labor, allies fear the wrong diagnosis for Medicare plan

Date: Dec-12-2003

Organized labor and most of its allies in Congress heartily dislike the sweeping new $400 billion Medicare bill passed by Congress on Nov. 25. Oddly enough, for entirely different reasons,...