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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Extreme makeover will improve I-96

Date: Aug-05-2005

Michigan is spending more than $1 billion to improve roads and bridges in 2005, and among the largest projects is the rehabilitation of I-96 in Detroit. The Michigan Department of...

Granholm gives nod to unions in latest round of appointments

Date: Aug-05-2005

LANSING - A flurry of recent construction-related governmental appointments highlights the benefit of having a union-friendly governor running the state. In the past several weeks, Gov. Jennifer Granholm made several...

Michigan appeals court declines invitation to repeal prevailing wage

Date: Aug-05-2005

LANSING - The anti-union Associated Builders and Contractors are on a seemingly unending mission to repeal Michigan's Prevailing Wage Act. But after a July 19 ruling by the Michigan Court...

News Briefs

Date: Aug-05-2005

Dems derided for helping CAFTA CAFTA - the Central American Free Trade Agreement - was approved by a slim 217-215 vote in the U.S. House last week after earlier approval...

Surprise - Supreme Court places generals on the hook for some injuries

Date: Aug-05-2005

For the last decade, anti-worker, pro-business rulings have been the order of the day for the Michigan Supreme Court. But a surprising 7-0 ruling released on July 12 by Michigan's...

Three unions break from AFL-CIO

Date: Aug-05-2005

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer (PAI) - The Service Employees International Union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and later the United Food and Commercial Workers Union left the AFL-CIO...

Various views: 'As dysfunctional as we are, we're a family'

Date: Aug-05-2005

Only time will tell the ultimate result of the historic splintering of the labor movement that began at the AFL-CIO convention last month. Will the new Change to Win Coalition...

CAFTA opens doors in the global 'race to the bottom'

Date: Jul-22-2005

By Sander Levin U.S. Rep, 12th District, Michigan As the congressional debate over the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) moves front and center, we should not lose sight of...

Historic 5-year multi-craft pact inked in U.P.

Date: Jul-22-2005

MARQUETTE - Construction labor and management have come to terms on the first multi-year, multi-employer, multi-trade agreement ever settled in the State of Michigan Upper Michigan construction workers, along with...

MDOT celebrates a century of service

Date: Jul-22-2005

LANSING - Happy birthday, MDOT. Your 100th birthday, which took place July 1, is a milestone for the traveling public and for the men and women in the building trades...