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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Globalization without rules leads race to the bottom

Date: Oct-28-2005

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer WASHINGTON (PAI) - In the 1980s, American jobs started moving to low-wage Mexico. Then, many of them moved from Mexico to ultra-low-wage nations like...

Governor Pays Visit

Date: Oct-28-2005

MICHIGAN Gov. Jennifer Granholm visited the Michigan State Building Trades Council offices in Detroit earlier this month. She met with Council Secretary-Treas. Pat Devlin, right, and Operating Engineers Local 324...

News Briefs

Date: Oct-28-2005

Federal unions in Bush's sight WASHINGTON (PAI) - President George W. Bush wants to extend his anti-worker, anti-union personnel plan to virtually every one of the federal government's two million...

The low-wage global infusion: workers get it; why don't policymakers?

Date: Oct-28-2005

By Thomas Palley Special to PAI WASHINGTON (PAI) - There is a famous theorem in international economics - the Stolper-Samuelson theorem - that says when a rich, capital-abundant country, such...

Union benefits not apparent to John Q. Public

Date: Oct-28-2005

With the decline in union membership slipping generally unabated over the last 25 years, what are the prospects for a turnaround? At the moment, not so good. A nationwide Zogby...

Years of planning pay off with new Local 98 Training Center

Date: Oct-28-2005

Plumbers Local 98 has only had four training centers in the local union's 112-year history. The latest and easily the best facility among them was unveiled on Oct. 11 during...

37 Republicans urge Bush to reconsider his veto of prevailing wage

Date: Oct-14-2005

The federal prevailing wage law has its detractors - but 37 U.S. House Republicans are not among them. They signed a letter to President Bush supporting prevailing wage, illustrating why...

Introducing… the Change to Win Federation Breakaway union group formally established

Date: Oct-14-2005

By Mark Gruenberg  Press Associates Staff Writer (PAI) - Declaring they want to devote three-fourths of their new group's money to organizing, leaders and representatives of seven unions formally established...

Laborers to leave AFL-CIO - Not 'if' but 'when'

Date: Oct-14-2005

By Mark Gruenberg  Press Associates Staff Writer (PAI) - After solving technical details in coming weeks, the Laborers will become the latest union to leave the AFL-CIO, President Terry O'Sullivan...

Labor News and Notes

Date: Oct-14-2005

A good opportunity to hear about the state of the State of Michigan's organized labor sector took place Sept. 30 at the Michigan State AFL-CIO quarterly General Board meeting. Prevailing...