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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Michigan construction outlook, 2006

Date: Jan-20-2006

By Marty Mulcahy Managing Editor Happy New Year indeed. Every year in January, we put together an informal roundup of work prospects around Michigan for the upcoming year. For the...

News Briefs

Date: Jan-20-2006

Bush: no limits on Chinese pipe President George W. Bush "turned his back" on several thousand U.S. workers who make steel pipes when he refused Dec. 30 to place limits...

Noise associated with high blood pressure, stroke

Date: Jan-20-2006

"If losing your hearing isn't enough of a reason to use hearing protection, a new study provides additional motivation. The study shows that on-the-job noise contributes to high blood pressure...

Numbers reveal the state of Michigan construction

Date: Jan-20-2006

Following are some facts and figures about the construction industry in the State of Michigan, brought to light by Odell Jones III, chairman of the Associated General Contractors, Greater Detroit...

U-M modernizes LS&A Building

Date: Jan-20-2006

ANN ARBOR - The University of Michigan's Literature Science and the Arts (LS& A) Building was built in 1948. Since then, technology, knowledge and educational techniques have advanced by leaps...

Wal-Mart's P.R. effort can't mask lousy deal for taxpayers

Date: Jan-20-2006

By Andrew Korfhage The documentary "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" premiered last month (on PBS). It was only the latest in a steady stream of public commentary on...

Congress takes steps to bolster pension plans

Date: Jan-06-2006

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. House on Dec. 14 approved legislation to reduce the deficit of the federal government's pension insurer and to pressure companies into fully funding their pension...

Construction instruction part of new Lawrence Tech center

Date: Jan-06-2006

Lesson plans are carried out every day in the nation's school buildings - but the new Alfred Taubman Student Services Center building will actually be part of the curriculum for...

Federal report raises fear that asbestos fund is inadequate for victims

Date: Jan-06-2006

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer WASHINGTON (PAI) - A new federal study has given further ammunition to groups representing workers who are victims of asbestos-caused disease and to two...

News Briefs

Date: Jan-06-2006

U.S. money moves Flint labor museum FLINT - The Labor Museum and Learning Center of Michigan received a congressional appropriation of $300,000 to pay for new exhibition space at the...