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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

House cuts funds for anti-union Labor Department agency

Date: Aug-03-2007

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer WASHINGTON (PAI) - The Democratic-run House cut funds to a Department of Labor agency that supposedly investigates union corruption. The reduction in the funds...

News Briefs

Date: Aug-03-2007

Union Sportsmen's Alliance launched Union men and women who hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors -about 3.2 million, according to a recent survey - can now join together in the...

Rulings show why the NLRB isn't working for workers

Date: Aug-03-2007

By Dmitri Iglitzin & Steven Hill With the Democratic Party regaining control of Congress for the first time since 1994, Democratic leaders should look to undo the effects the Bush...

State's roads could take another hit with reduced federal funding forecast

Date: Aug-03-2007

Washington, D.C. - Back in February, the Bush Administration released a budget forecast for fiscal year 2009, which included a relatively mild $700 million reduction in Highway Trust Fund spending...

Trades try to leave a light footprint at Motor City Casino

Date: Aug-03-2007

DETROIT - If it's possible to work delicately around an operating casino while erecting an adjacent conference center, 17-story hotel, conference center and parking deck - the Michigan Industrial Group...

'Broken' labor law stays that way; unions need more friends

Date: Jul-20-2007

By John Sweeney AFL-CIO President President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously said: "Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of the right to join a union of...

Cooley's faulty towers renovated

Date: Jul-20-2007

DETROIT - The city's collection of high schools offers an under-appreciated stock of buildings built pre-Depression, that are often islands of architectural class in some areas that have seen better...

Crime does pay for union-busters

Date: Jul-20-2007

Union-busting is big business By Ben Zipperer and John Schmitt As the percentage of American workers in unions continues its long and severe decline, the U.S. Senate just voted to...

News Briefs

Date: Jul-20-2007

Nice uptick for construction pacts Collectively bargained construction wage rates in the U.S. construction industry in 2006 saw an average 3.9 percent increase in the first year of contracts -...

No mourning for Fast Track expiration

Date: Jul-20-2007

WASHINGTON (PAI) - Union leaders and lawmakers cheered the end of President George W. Bush's "trade promotion authority," also known as "fast track," at midnight on June 30. Fast track...