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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Preserving data is Job One at technology center addition

Date: Dec-21-2007

BELLEVILLE - From the outside, the JP Morgan Chase Technology Center looks like your run-of-the-mill office building addition - albeit without windows. Inside, it's a different story. Walsh Construction is...

Union ties that bind are a little loose

Date: Dec-21-2007

Two years ago, in the first major split in organized labor in 50 years, the Change-to-Win (CTW) Federation broke away from the AFL-CIO. The AFL-CIO federation lost about one-third of...

'What bonds us is much more compelling than what divides us'

Date: Dec-21-2007

By Mark Breslin When I was in high school I was not the first kid most parents wanted to see their kid hang out with. Thus it was no surprise...

Big House to get bigger, better

Date: Dec-07-2007

ANN ARBOR - With the University of Michigan having completed a disappointing 8-4 regular season on Nov. 17 with a loss on their home turf to Ohio State, attention now...

Michigan on the highway to steadily declining roads - and road funding

Date: Dec-07-2007

LANSING - With the state government's chronic lack of money and legislators' inability to pass a balanced budget, we shouldn't be surprised that Michigan's roads - and construction workers' employment...

News Briefs

Date: Dec-07-2007

Construction drops 10% from '06 to '07 New U.S. construction starts in October stayed essentially the same as September, but dropped significantly in the first 10 months of 2007 compared...

OSHA finally orders employers: buy protective equipment for workers

Date: Dec-07-2007

WASHINGTON (PAI) - It took an AFL-CIO lawsuit, congressional intervention and an appellate court ruling, but the Bush government's Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued its final rule requiring employers...

The problem with the NLRB: It's rolling over workers rights

Date: Dec-07-2007

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer WASHINGTON (PAI) - The AFL-CIO-led protest against the rulings of the Bush-named three-member majority of the National Labor Relations Board was not just another...

There's fabrication work in the pipeline at W. Soule

Date: Dec-07-2007

KALAMAZOO - Nationwide, there are 115 ethanol plants in operation, and another 80 are under construction. Relatively speaking, the bio-fuel industry is a just a baby, with technology, hardware and...

‘Better times’ ahead for Michigan construction, says latest forecast

Date: Nov-23-2007

Time for a little construction conjecture. As we move toward the end of the year, construction industry prognosticators unfailingly pop up and take a stab at predicting the future. One...