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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

Radio program lets labor step up to the mike

Date: Feb-08-2008

GRAND RAPIDS - Regular workers finally have a voice on the airwaves in West Michigan. Introduced as a radio program for workers by workers, "Working West Michigan" made its debut...

There are signs of life in nonresidential, AGC says

Date: Feb-08-2008

The latest economic indicators say that the slump in the U.S. housing market has not spread to the nonresidential construction sector. "Total construction employment fell by 27,000 in January, seasonally...

The Silent Majority waits for slackers to get their lumps

Date: Feb-08-2008

By Mark Breslin (Fourth in a series) They are out there. Quiet and yet resolute. We know they are there, but who and how many we cannot be sure. Looking...

Union volunteers stand up against a right-to-work effort that hasn't shown up - yet

Date: Feb-08-2008

(From the Michigan AFL-CIO) Over 3,500 union activists monitored Michigan's presidential primary polls to warn voters against a potential Right to Work petition drive on Primary Election Day, Jan. 15....

Construction prospects in Michigan: Maybe not great in'08, but not bad

Date: Jan-25-2008

Michigan is said to be in a one-state recession, but someone should mention that to the construction industry. Our annual, completely unscientific poll of construction activity in different regions of...

News Briefs

Date: Jan-25-2008

Detroit to host union industries show Detroit has been selected as the site to host the 2008 America at Work Union Industries Show at Cobo Center. The event, scheduled the...

State sees major drop in fatalities, as job injuries trend downward

Date: Jan-25-2008

LANSING - On-the-job construction industry fatalities in Michigan took a remarkable drop last year, from 26 in 2006 to 11 in 2007. The 11 fatalities marked the lowest number of...

Time to write the obituary on the union entitlement mindset

Date: Jan-25-2008

A dirty little secret? Hardly. More like a tattoo on our forehead that everyone can see easily but us. Union Entitlement Mentality is killing us in the marketplace. Union Entitlement...

Trades move quickly to expand, renovate St. John

Date: Jan-25-2008

DETROIT - The largest expansion project in the history of the St. John Hospital and Medical Center is moving quickly to the end of its first phase. The fast-paced work...

Trades set up field for Fabiano, others

Date: Jan-25-2008

MONITOR TWP. - The 70-acre lot at the southeast corner of U.S. 10 and Mackinaw Rd. near Midland still had the appearance a farmer's frozen hayfield last month, but part...