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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

News Briefs

Date: Oct-31-2008

The first U.S. construction outlook for 2009 has been released - and it's not good. McGraw-Hill Construction reported on Oct. 23 that U.S. construction starts are expected to decline 7...

'On issues from A to Z, Barack Obama is with us'

Date: Oct-31-2008

By Press Associates Union News Service In its 55 years as the leading weekly independent news service for unions, their members and their media, Press Associates Union News Service has...

Union trades rally for Employee Free Choice Act

Date: Oct-31-2008

'If you will help us get Barack Obama elected and a Democratic majority in the House and Senate, we will do that next year' - Congressman John Dingell (D-15th District)...

'We built this country and it's time we took it back' - Union members urged to vote

Date: Oct-31-2008

Following are excerpts of comments by various speakers at the Oct. 18 Employee Free Choice rally. Rich Trumka secretary treasurer of AFL-CIO - "I have some bad news for you...

Election 2008: An end and a beginning

Date: Oct-17-2008

By Mark Ayers President Building and Construction Trades Department October is that time of year when most of us begin to feel the sharp chill in the air that says...

Employee Free Choice Act should be part of the solution

Date: Oct-17-2008

By Joe Wantz America Rights At Work The national conversation has been focused squarely on the economy in the last several weeks, with pundits and experts breathlessly declaring a financial...

Governor signs off on renewable energy plan

Date: Oct-17-2008

DETROIT - A three-bill package intended to better position Michigan for green energy production and related manufacturing was signed into law Oct. 7 by Gov. Jennifer Granholm. "This is the...

Here come the judges: A vital part of voting, at the bottom of ballots

Date: Oct-17-2008

You might have heard there's a state and national election that's going to take place on Nov. 4. There are two guys competing for the U.S. presidency, and they're getting...

Michigan electricians help restore power to flooded Cedar Rapids

Date: Oct-17-2008

Nearly forgotten in this year of horrific financial news, presidential politics and Hurricane Ike, is the devastation wrought by flooding in Iowa in June. Nearly 4,000 homes in Cedar Rapids...

News Briefs

Date: Oct-17-2008

Tight money may choke construction Washington, D.C. - "The drop in construction employment accelerated in September and will get much worse unless credit markets reopen," Ken Simonson, Chief Economist for...