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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

AFL-CIO, Change To Win move toward reuniting

Date: Mar-13-2009

(PAI) – An AFL-CIO statement has given the green light to ongoing talks designed to reunify the nation’s competing union federations. As approved by the AFL-CIO Executive Council in Miami...

Divvying Michigan's share of stimulus: It will take a while

Date: Mar-13-2009

LANSING – Michigan is in line to get about $7 billion in federal stimulus money, but it’s probably going to take months to figure out how it’s all going to...

New labor secretary gets pro-union course from Obama administration

Date: Mar-13-2009

WASHINGTON – It’s a new day at the U.S. Department of Labor, which was criticized during the Bush years as a lapdog for the business community rather than a guard...

News Briefs

Date: Mar-13-2009

New money floated for new Soo Lock In the Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2009 that passed the U.S. House of Representatives on Feb. 25 the first funding for...

'Unions matter' in restoring prosperity

Date: Mar-13-2009

Why is this recession so deep, and what can be done to reverse it? Hint: Go back about 50 years, when America’s middle class was expanding and the economy was...

Finishing touch for HealthSource

Date: Feb-27-2009

SAGINAW TWP. - Another year, another phase completed during the three-year, $44 million transformation and modernization of HealthSource-Saginaw. The three-year-long demolition, renovation and expansion project will result in a wholly...

'Hire Michigan First' would put local workers first in line

Date: Feb-27-2009

LANSING – The House Labor and Commerce Committee sent the “Hire Michigan First” job-creation plan to the full House on Feb. 10, moving on legislation to ensure that Michigan residents...

Imperfect bill a 'cushion,' not a cure for construction unemployment

Date: Feb-27-2009

From the perspective of the building trades, a perfect federal stimulus package would have lavished hundreds of billions of dollars on infrastructure upgrades, road and bridge projects, school and public...

Michigan stimulus windfall pegged at about $7 billion

Date: Feb-27-2009

Michigan’s share of the $787 billion American Recovery & Reinvestment Act stimulus, approved by Congress and signed into law on Feb. 17 by President Barack Obama, comes in at about...

Stimulus bill has something for everyone; but trades would like more

Date: Feb-27-2009

WASHINGTON (PAI) – The $790 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, known as the stimulus bill, contains something for just about everyone as it tries to help pull the economy...