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The Building Tradesman Newspaper Editions

'Back Forty' Gold Mine in the U.P. takes a step forward

Date: May-17-2019

The Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules on May 6 issued a "Final Decision and Order" to Aquila Resources, upholding the issuance of a Michigan Nonferrous Metallic Mineral Mining...

Doomed PRO Act spotlights need for a prosperous U.S. labor movement

Date: May-17-2019

WASHINGTON D.C. - Rare, new pro-union legislation has been introduced in Congress that has zero chance of getting by the Republican-run U.S. Senate or President Trump.  But it does establish...

Lawmakers push worker safety bills

Date: May-17-2019

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer WASHINGTON PAI)—The majority Democrats on the House Education and Labor Committee will push two key pro-worker safety bills this year, but the exact timetable...

Trades are watching Muskegon Convention Center project

Date: May-17-2019

A first step to building a new 45,000-square-foot downtown Muskegon Convention Center was taken on May 8, with the familiar scene of city and county officials turning a little dirt...

Trades fill in the gap at One Campus Martius

Date: May-17-2019

DETROIT - With so much of the available real estate space in downtown Detroit's already occupied or accounted for over the past few years, it was just a matter of...

U.S. economy, construction industry both humming along

Date: May-17-2019

Both the broader U.S. economy, as well as the nation's construction industry, are cruising past the year's first quarter mark. This year's wicked winter in the Midwest was certainly a...

Workplace fatals become depressingly common

Date: May-17-2019

The annual, depressingly titled Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect report, issued by the AFL-CIO on April 25, provides a reminder that too many workers go to work...

AG Nessel gives shady contractors a wake-up call on 1099 cheating

Date: May-03-2019

LANSING - For at least the past 30 years, individual workers, labor unions and honest employers have complained about the illicit use of "1099" employees - it's the practice by...

Capitol renovation addresses building's needs for now and later

Date: May-03-2019

LANSING - Completed in 1879, the Michigan State Capitol Building has held up remarkably well over the years. Generations of lawmakers and staff have worked in the building's offices, and...

Dem presidential candidates make pitch to trades - all stay right over the plate

Date: May-03-2019

By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer WASHINGTON (PAI)—It’s called, in political parlance, “a cattle call.” The phrase refers to what happens when presidential hopefuls parade their positions, one by one,...