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Retirement awaits Michigan Building Trades’ Ed Coffey

Date Posted: December 18 2009

Edward M.  Coffey, Jr., a fixture as a business representative at the Greater Detroit Building Trades Council and the Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council for the last 15 years, is retiring effective Dec. 31, 2009.

“It’s time,” said Coffey, 61. “It has been an honor and a pleasure to represent all of the building trades crafts for all workers for all these years.”

Coffey, a Plumbers Local 98 member since 1966, was elected business agent in that local in 1988. He joined the Greater Detroit Building Trades Council as a business representative in 1994. At the council, he ran pre-job meetings with contractors and business agents for most major construction projects in Southeast Michigan, and presided over the council’s Political Action Committee meetings. He also negotiated contracts for building trades workers employed by the Detroit Board of Education and Wayne County.

“Ed has a valuable, institutional knowledge in a variety of areas – the political stuff, contractual language, job assignments and who’s who on various construction projects,” said Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council Secretary-Treasure Patrick Devlin. “He has also been our go-to guy on nuts and bolts stuff that we deal in, like project labor agreements, the National Maintenance Agreement and drug and alcohol testing. Ed is going to be difficult to replace, and we wish him the best.”

The Wayne County Executive Bob Ficano and the entire Wayne County Commission honored Coffey on Nov. 19, surprising him with a plaque expressing their appreciation for his work.

“Our workforce is the envy of the world,” Ficano said, “and Ed has represented some fine craftsmen. He’s been a great representative for labor.”

Coffey said he will stay in Michigan and has no immediate plans after he retires.

“It’s been a good run,” Coffey said. “I appreciate all the help I have received over the years.”

WAYNE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS honored Ed Coffey with a plaque recognizing his years of service in working with the county on behalf of the building trades.